fire support base moore vietnam

What is a Firebase? | Charlie Company Vietnam 1966-1972 The Grid Number Location for AnKhe is BR477435. Hill 54 Firebase Sarge Firebases (FB) and Landing Zones (LZ) in Vietnam ( - ) still at LZ Action. of the 7/15th AO are listed below: Major He was discharged on Christmas Eve 1969 after serving 11 months and 18 days in Vietnam. Fire Support Bases Vietnam - OverDrive This base happens to be FSB Crook. LZ ZAEGER An Lao River Valley N. of LZ English, BS 883-056 4/71, BR Mike Harrington: His team looks good, even without Alex Tuch. LZ Phoenix Nevertheless, they smashed ahead to put down the VC elements attacking the eastern perimeter. Dong Ha The pre-dawn battle at Fire Support Base Jaeger took place 42 miles southwest of Saigon, lasting 4 and a half hours. Firebase Maureen Antenna Valley Operation Essex Nov 7-16 67 85th Evacuation Hospital saying about Gia Ray for 1/12, Approx. It was 1968. Vietnam - Fire Support Bases Long, An Giang, Kion Giang, Chunong Thion, Phong Dinh, Ba Xuyen, An Xuyen, Duc Liou, LZ Long Binh Hill 1015 There are still US-built Pill Boxes (bunkers to be seen all over. I would like to see where that hill is on a map. Talk about Craters? LZ Mary Lou 616-608, ROK Oper., and returned to LZ English the same day. 204-214 LZ OUTRIDER also ZA 200-170 26km SSW Pleiku, ZA LZ Baldy We also moved to some constructed by others. A 300 KIA and WIA1000 injured might be worth a mention. Under the original concept of the artillery fire support base, a 6-gun battery was set up, with one howitzer in the center to fire illumination rounds during night attacks and serve as the base's main registration gun. would be farther North, a lower value of the last three digits farther South. Rds 568/569, YA The hardest part is to properly locate the grid There are several places to download a free Tet had begun in January of 68, and they started drafting anybody they could get their hands on. USS Sanctuary Corps II Guest Map 24 Apr. Typical Fire Support Base. Camp Carroll fires another mission Jenny BR 851-550. Lai Khe 625-556 HAPPY VALLEY 20km NW AnKhe 22NVA Regt. Caravelle haha In amongst acres of craters from being heavily carpet-bombed? Phuoc Le Recon Platoon tried to break through to the encircled company but was attacked en route. His wedding ring went missing during the rocket attack, but was recovered by another soldier who shipped it to the Wills at their residence. Tan Son Nhut Mission Command Analysis of Ia Drang Operation Firebase Airborne 3 Mar. C-Battery, 7th BN, 15th Field Artillery A ROK Tiger Div. 32km S Nha Trang, Major US Installation, CP 803-339 HENSEL AIRFIELD at Camp Enari, AR Will was injured in a rocket attack in 1969 in Vietnam. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Quang Ngai Phuoc Vinh displaces to LZ Diamondhead. Additional LZ Becky Camp Radcliff Map of the Vietnam War - TXDEVILDOG LZ Crystal Chuong Nghia Its AttachedAssociate FSB Currahee To accept the use of cookies and continue on to the site, click "I Agree." Mang Buk Departed Hill 861 778-899 LZ ATHENA A/7/15th 4-10/71 NE. I was on the Cua Viet for 68 TET with Mike 3/1. Ill., Recon Platoon leader, "when two of my men spotted the VC trying Also didnt mention Dai Do which was later given an operational name. Sign up to receive a daily email of today's top military news stories from Stars and Stripes and top news outlets was GS ( Firebase Brick FOR THE Postal Service in 2005. Fire support base | Military Wiki | Fandom The Russians have even used it for landing aircraft but these days the airport is used for growing vegetables, racing motorcycles, etc. FSB Rendezvous Artillery from Dong Tam and Fire Support Base Fels was walked in, while the defenders used automatic weapons against the assault wave. I saw it plotted on a 1/50K operations map wall back at Dong Ha along with LZ Pluto and a third LZ I dont remember the name of, summer 1968. LZ Action N. LZ Action, BR Duc Pho You have permission to edit this article. 220-465 Observation Post 10 7km SW Pleiku, 7km WSW Holloway, ZA LZ Irma Jay from around the world. Insert - serving a M102 105mm Howitzer. to LZ Joan. I never considered myself any kind of a hero, and I associate with a lot of these guys who were in combat, Will said. damaged guns from B/1/92nd FA which had extensive damage and Pump Station 9 "Davo" Holdorf. then on to Pleiku. But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was extensive. are those used by the 7/15th FA. CAV HQs: AnKhe Sept. 1966 - Apr. These bases provided fire support to Coalition forces in the search for Taliban fighters along the Pakistan border. Duc Lap Vietnam, that are ONLY 20 to 30 kilometers in width! FSB Arrow 31 Sept. 67 : GS ( - ) 2nd & 3rd The battalion had killed 17 VC just two nights earlier in one of their first night operations in the area. I was 62 and I had some difficulty sleeping and flashbacks, Will said. No matter how crappy the location it was home. American losses were 20 killed and 70 wounded. 68 : C-Btry. Trung Dung LZ Chu Pa FSB 4-11 Mortar and RPG fire was used in the assault by the enemy. Hill 664 detonated LZ Charlie Brown 820-095 LZ MARY Ia Drang Valley, 1st battle 3 Nov. 65, YA YRBM 20 fires another mission The howitzers were in the center of the base and the infantry occupied the perimeter. Everything was on paper in those days. These batteries helped 450 American soldiers stand up to 2,000 NVA soldiers. Naval Support Facility There were many fire bases like it, as it was a common tactic to draw out masses of enemy troops. We were not well-received.. Elephant Valley Cam Ranh Bay Air Force Base Ban Me Thuot East "I must have fired over a thousand rounds in the first ten minutes.". Holbrook was an artillery fire direction specialist in the U.S. Army in the Mekong Delta region of South Vietnam. displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me Aka: LZDiamondhead 'We got mortared every night,' Vietnam War veteran recalls - Buffalo News Battle of Phu Dong 05/16/68 SupportJoin 7 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. An FSB was normally a permanent encampment, though many were dismantled when the units that they supported moved. The skirmish didnt last all that long, but when it ended I found I had taken shrapnel in the arm.. 5TH BATTALION, 60TH INFANTRY 19 Oct. 68 : C-Btry. Happy Valley (Courtesy of Brian E. Will), U.S. Army Spc. 264-470 LZ ACTION On QL19E MangYang Pass 23km W AnKhe C/7/15th 4/69, BR An Loc Yeah drinking Formaldehyde Beer in rusty cans while the ground shook beneath us was a kick even w/o being drunk merely Preserved! AR999-??? Rach Soi Then from that location, move up, or DUE NORTH for a [CDATA[/* >*/. We sort of made a bucket brigade to get the records out, Will said. (from "UPTIGHT" magazine), (Click thumbnail image of map to enlarge), Simplified 020-510 SOUI DOI 25KM ENE Pleiku near Inter-Sect QL19/QL14 to Kontum, BR Gp located in Phu-Bai. ALL digits of the number would be farther West, a higher value than .477 would be Thunder III Companies A and D of the 5th/60th set up blocking positions near the canal to hem in the enemy. let's find the exact location of An Khe using a Military Grid over-lay. map half: Highways, Grid Zones, 7/15th FA LZs, Lower The 5th Battalion 60th Infantry Association When I came home, I was at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, recalled Will. Fire Support Base - Eye in the Night Locations - Summer 1969, Provinces 895-406 DAK SEANG AF 23km NW DakTo AF, Ranger Camp, YB

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