agua prieta cartel

Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. 3:04 why would cds kill their plaza boss if he had everything on lock? The guy in the passenger seat. El que mal anda, mal acaba. Nonetheless, the agencysaid it can only process families as quicklyas its space and resourcelimitations allow. Correct el 20 was the same one that killed mandy and supposedly Tito torbellino. By 2007, Sonora Cartel, Colima Cartel and Milenio Cartel became branches of the Sinaloa Cartel. El Tigre is originally from Huachinera, Sonora. Former Agua Prieta cartel leader agrees to Several DEA agents interviewed Paredes-Machado after his arrest, including one from Sierra Vista. INSIDE JOB. killed. But upon theirarrival, many migrants like Chasov are immediately greetedwith a harsh reality affecting many border communities: They're easy prey for organized crime. A bloody gun battle in the border town of Agua Prieta, just across from Douglas, claimed the lives of nearly a dozen people. WebAt CAME ( Centro de Atencin al Migrante Exodus) in Agua Prieta, Sonora, there are 160 people sleeping in a shelter with a 44 person capacity. Damm good article, Buggs. El Jaguars group reportedly receives support from Sinaloa Cartels Gente del M100 in addition to his primary supporters, Los Paredes. This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. I wonder if the problem in CLN will make one of the people involved change the team they're on and seek the protection ofand close that route and change the power balance of Western Sonora? Former Agua Prieta cartel leader agrees to Sinaloa Cartel However, it was funny when people asked where I got my info.. "get out of here, a narco blog!? Since I am not familiar with the area or the players, it seems like the same useless bloodbath and betrayal that has repeated itself in Mexico for decades. A cartel convoy of at least 10 trucks disrupted the early morning hours of the Mexican border city of Agua Prieta Monday morning with gunfire. Cartel But he also said the Mexican government has allowed the problem to fester and grow, with similar issues at other crossings. He said they have no plans to step outsideuntil the time comes for them to head to Raul H. Castro port of entry to claim asylum in the United States. Court records show Paredes-Machado was previously indicted on federal drug charges in Arizona in 1989, 1995, 1996, and 1999. The attack began at approximately 3:15am and resulted in two deaths with several vehicles torched. Great article provided here, Id like to see more pics of these people, @7:33 Why would CJNG want AP? PROFILE: Jorge is currently believedto be the head of sicarios in Agua Prieta and Tin Tin's right hand man, second-in-command. There were some internal battles with "El 4" against "El 51 or El Nio." That doesn't make them look like they're bad. He looks different now being that this pic here is older. Some media have alleged that El Junior took control of Los Paredes shortly after his father's arrest. A cartel convoy of at least 10 trucks disrupted the early morning hours of the Mexican border city of Agua Prieta Monday morning with gunfire. He also collects fees from entrepreneurs in the region. Sonora has experienced an explosion of violence since the end of December when Macho Prieto of the Sinaloa Cartel was killed in a violent shootout with police in the city of Rocky Point.. Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. Las cruces. Sinaloa Cartel named for sanctions, The eight people named by the Treasurys Office of "They move it in trucks, through undocumented immigrants, with pack animals (horses and mules) and sporadically in ultralight aircraft," indicated a Mexican agent that was interviewed and did not want to be identified for security reasons. Before that, Leo work for the lord of the Skies, Amado Carrillo Fuentes. "I was close to heading back.". El Jaguar, originally from Zaragoza, Chihuahua, with residence in Agua Prieta, is responsible for the war that exists on the border of Sonora and Chihuahua in the region of Madera, El Largo Maderal and The Nortea. The threats have worsened since the start of the year, he said. Junior in the organization that made his father powerful from May 2004 to January 2011, created a tight circle among people he trusted, where he assigned plazas to bosses in different towns in the state of Sonora and Chihuahua. This guy Ramirez been running agua prieta for awhile so must likely inside job a traitor or BLO if cjng has anything to do with it then thers a traitor involved because cjng are sissys the wont make any moves with out help from another group in that plaza come on now cjng aint all that the always have and always will need others to help them because they get whipped by themselves. Sinaloa Cartel draft of this story, I inadvertently hit publish or as Sol said everything smuggling operations along the 375 mile U.S.-Mexico border, including Arizona This municipality is the most important territory the Los Paredes organization holds. According to the plea deal, Paredes-Machado admitted directing several people to further the drug conspiracy and that he personally engaged in collecting payments for largescale drug shipments which typically involved tens of millions of dollars. Sentencing guidelines call for 27 to 33 years in prison, but the plea deal negotiated with the U.S. Department of Justice stipulates to only 22 years. answering a call for accompaniment in Agua Prieta Possibly has influence in Mesa Tres Rios, Nacori Chico even though it is the territory of fellow Los Paredes member El Pepe. Ppl were terrified of R5. cartel It was not cjng or blo. In 2012, Paredes-Machado was indicted in Washington, D.C., by the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section of the Department of Justice. He is/was Sinaloa Cartels long Leonel Toscano-Cuevas, also known as Tigre, originally from Huachinera, is in charge of human trafficking on the border of Agua Prieta, Naco and Puerto San Luis. That was another reason why they gave up macho cause he kept fucking up and thought he was untouchable. and everyone who wrote in--i did manage to find it, not much there I was going to ck on IG but her name is so common. Who's el del sombrero ? He also traffics in cocaine, heroin and marijuana across the border., thank you! Does the Quinteros play a role in all this? Very well aligned in the US side of the house too, and its not a cheap plaza to buy. La presencia del frente fro 37 provoc intensas nevadas en zonas de Nogales y Agua Prieta por lo que autoridades llamaron a la poblacin a extremar precauciones y la Guardia Nacional y Proteccin Civil Sonora activaron el Plan Puerto San Luis Adems, determinaron el cierre del tramo carretero Agua Prieta y Janos, as como el tramo (Source). When theyarrived in Agua Prieta, a man also approached them at the bus station, demanding money to let them out. Saludos desde Los Angeles, El Nemesis-, This article is wrong, Delta is not the head of sicarios anymore,he was replaced a while ago. CJNG just added another Plaza to their list! M100 al mando de Agua Prieta. He is believed to currently reside in Agua Prieta. Possibly has a brother named Ramon also operates for Los Paredes. Agua Prieta (AP), a Sonora border city bordering Douglas, Arizona which for its geographical area is a huge port for drug trafficking. Ramn Cano, also known as "Monchi", a resident of Agua Prieta and Cananea, is one of the main leaders in the plaza of Cananea with his brother "El Gero Cano". What we're doing is accompanying this vulnerable populationand providing the help that many of them need.". This criminal is also in charge of the security of "Junior" when he is in Mexico. "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. Gero Cano is originally from Hermosillo, Sonora and he is thought to currently reside in Cananea municipality. This place could be a war zone. the "seat of power" for the Paredes empire. They went violent about 05-06. There are a whole bunch of facts in this story that ate bot correct. Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence The DRUGS will never stop flowing unless the MONEY stops flowing $$$$ FACT, de Don Gilberto Paredes. Your Paredes hroes. El Junior, is responsible for the financial aspect of this area. and Martin Alonso Siqueiros, also known as Tin Tin and 9-12, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, lives in Agua Prieta and is the main face of the Los Paredes cartel. Hundreds of kilos.lmao..try thousand even hundreds of thousands of kilos.. What happened to the chivis coronavirus page? These are some key regions right along the US-Mexico border, these are presumably valuable regions for trafficking purposes. Lobos men kept getting killed so linea took back madera, El Jaguar ran to his daddy tin tin in sonora, Y'all should do one on the CJNG to see where El sapo El 3 chito cano RR jardinero all and all of them fall into the organization structure wise. Sonora Cartel Now i see why so many cds guys switch sides to cjng, was javier rascon the guy that Iris Chavez was dating? Jorge Alberto Lamadrid-Carranza, also known as "Delta" and "Gordo", is the second in command of "Tin Tin", he is the head of the sicarios in Agua Prieta who carry out the orders of Tin Tin by abducting, executing and making disappear both their enemies and businessmen who have resisted paying the fees demanded by "Junior" to operate their businesses in Sonora. Sonora: The Border CIty of Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence. Read the papers and do the research!!! I don't think I know enough about Mexico City right now to give you any comprehensive answers but I can recommend these overview articles that link to many other sources with further details. Agua Prieta (AP), a Sonora border city bordering Douglas, Arizona which for its geographical area is a huge port for drug trafficking. The Paredes connection to the pavlovic, is well-known. Iris Chavez, the girl who was dating Rascon was also killed. Cause if ur a cds boss and get a little big you get taken out? Marco Antonio Paredes-Ponce "Junior", originally from the United States and residing in Phoenix, Arizona, is the current leader of the Los Paredes Cartel. At most, they take about eight people per day, but some days they don't take anyone at all, he said. Too much cds lovers here, ever time there's a high ranking guy that gets killed they say it's internal.. ctng/cjng got a kill in Sinaloa a few months ago, a rana/cds rival.. two weeks ago two high ranking cds guys in culiacan but they keep saying Sinaloa as a state and a cartel are untouchable?.. These are regions along the Sonora-Chihuahua border that have seen conflict between La Linea and Los Paredes within the last few years. They thought Chihuahua was an easy take. Me too I always looked forward to read chivis updated covid-19 info everyday because I got tired of the news talking about it 24/7. loot the cars from where they took out weapons, such as AK47, cellular telephones and bulletproof vests. total of 7 men and 2 women but the local news isn't going to report that. The last name Paredes is one of the most influential names in the state of Sonora. Good guy was trash. 2:58. Usually the escortwould bean American citizen because cartel members won't touch them, according to Ramos. By 2018, El Ochenta's network of protection had been diminished enough that he was arrested. El Junior is the son Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado, who led the cartel until January 2011, when he was arrested. They are very similar in appearance just taller. They have been for a very long time. Lol. The practice of been through a lot. Haha estas loco el seor del sombrero sigue al cien, Puro Tucson mi compas tiene gente de quiere trabajar vamos la neta, Puro gente de Miguel Caro y Ignacio Nacho Peaz caborca Sonora, 12:46 alos que se miran urgidos para trabajar no les van a dar chamba loco. Pilas, El Gigio es el seor del sombrero right ? You should contact Buggs he would welcome good information 12:35 sometimes the contras feed the story to end up looking good or better, using crap for propaganda first, makes sure the truth has an uphill job, like they say he who hits first gets to hit twice. Thank you. sanctions against Rascon Ramirez, naming him the plaza boss of Agua Prieta. He also is believed to have influence in PuertoLobos. Upon the cartel's disintegration, its leaders were incorporated into the Tijuana Cartel and Sinaloa Cartel. i tell you, a few. One thing that stuck with me over the years. Ramos,said itmaintained a fairly low profile until July 2018, whenfamilies began to arrive with greater frequency. Sinaloan Drug Trafficking Organization Pleaded Guilty Here I can just read it once and then do something else. I came to love the country and it's people so my heart breaksagain, when I read an account such as this. Ramos gave directions and they took a taxi to the shelter, where Chasov, his wife and son have spentthe past few days. reports from mainstream media says iris and el fox died in the same car. The most recent news out of Chihuahua indicates that La Linea has since reclaimed this area again. But Ramos said that hasn't been enough. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico Alexander Chasov had barely stepped off the bus that had brought him, along with his wife and 6-year-old son, to this remote community bordering southeastern Arizona. If you've been here long enough you'd know she had shared it or it's not to gard to find.Appreciate what she's done she doesn't owe you anything. 11:48 totally agree with ublo vs cds, cds cells vs cds cells in sonora but hype is so good that cjng lovers think their heroes are almighty Cjng has been taking cds plazas like candy from a baby lately, cds was my favorite cartel but I'm jumping on the bandwagon with the #1cartel in Mexico.. cdsnitches is a thing of the past, they are losing plazas and crews to work with cjng.. I was educated in Mexico before any of this bs started. But frequently visit agua Prieta. Javier rascon comit6ed treason. These regions are far less volatile and experience less violence when compared with the municipalities along the Chihuahua border. The one-time top Sinaloa Cartel operative who controlled the region around Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora has agreed to a 22-year federal prison sentence after admitting his role in trafficking millions of dollars worth of drugs into the United States from 1991 to 2011. Bad move. Ive seen it, or is it a coincidence? El Jaguar has four brothers: Marco Antonio, Oscar and Jose Luis (assassinated), all of whom allegedly acted as plaza bosses in areas within Madera, Ignacio Zaragoza and Gomez Farias municipality when Jaguar was in control of them. In 2013 the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against Rascon Ramirez, naming him the plaza boss of Agua Prieta. All of that training in the mountains and sicarios 006 crew couldnt react to a hit from CJNG, they are taking over all of mexico, this dudes dot destroyed. 12:35 and 4:06 I could not agree more, especially with what 12:35 said about the region. The paredes with the backing of cds intruded the Madera plaza with people of el Jaguar war with la linea. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. pa que cobijas si ya sabanas verdad mi compa sicario 006. Robbing from the dead brings very bad luck. Tin tin was the one that executed Javier Rascn aka el fox in that bloody ambush. Fox has has been with the paredes for years compare to Tin. The CJNG is rumored to be arming Fuerza Anti-Unin right now. there's no way CJNG goes to north of Sonora to kill a plaza boss. Wow Chivis since you saw the gory photo, your mind might not be in the mood to enjoy dinner. "It's part of what it means to be a Christian.". That greedy shit, always catches up with you.ABKEl conejo loco, As someone who knew 3 of these men personally, know their families I can say Godspeed my peeps. Only verifiable photo of Tin Tin cuts off awkwardly below the mouth. I think cjng finally got a grip of agua prieta.. there is always cartel fighting for that plaza but it's not mentioned anywhere.. in my opinion it was not internal. I barely had enough money to pay for the bus tickets," Najera said. "This started aboutthree months ago," Ramos said. He oversees Cumpas, Sahuaripa, Mulatos, Arivechi and Ycora. A bloody gun battle in the border town of Agua Prieta, just across from Douglas, claimed the lives of nearly a dozen people. A lot of people I know him. Agua Prieta border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. They offered to drive out to Agua Prieta, five hours away, to pick them up at the bus station and take them to the border crossing. The wife maybe related to THE Baza family who have also violently lost members to the clan fighting between these alacranes. of smuggling routes. However because El Junior is believed to live in the US, he is likely less involved and Tin Tin is believedto be far more involved in the leading of Los Paredes than El Junior. There is no mention of whether Paredes-Machado will receive credit toward his sentence for the time he has spent in custody awaiting trial. There was also rumors that macho Prieto killed r5 in Hermosillo. verification but since I posted the title in error I thought I should explain. He and his Tucson attorney Stephen Ralls signed the 19-page plea agreement less than one month after a U.S. District judge in Michigan denied a defense motion to dismiss the 2005 case over allegations that Mexican authorities waterboarded Paredes-Machado after his arrest. Much of the following information is derived from information from, This municipality is the most important territory the Los Paredes organization holds. Member all the audios left about a "meeting" to see if there would be peace? cartel Rascon Boy looks too old to be dating, are you sure she was not his nurse or sompim'? Jorge hails from the LaMadrid family, a family which is heavily involved in drug trafficking for Los Paredes / the Sinaloa Cartel. What i find absurd is Mexican press blacks out the eyes of perps yet publishes murder and execution images. Agua Prieta and Drug Trafficking Like other cities along the U.S.-Mexico border, Agua Prieta has drawn a rising number of families mostly from Central America and southern Mexicobut also from other parts of the world who are seeking asylum in the United States. i thought El Memo was in charge of Sonoyta. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) The brother and a nephew of a Sinaloa cartel leader are among the victims of a shooting that left 19 people dead last week in a town near the Chihuahua-Sonora border, Mexican authorities confirmed. This goes to show CDS is only tough in corridos and more so in numbers. There are those that thought that he was King shit, however, you do not betray the people above you. This ended with the death of "El 4 at the hands of the faithful "El R8.". CJNG is involved in Chihuahua, they support La Linea & NCDJ with resources to fight CDS. In Narco terms he had longevity in his role Chivis? Cjng has no say in northern states of mex!!! Thats a lame story. From that day on, Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado, one of the brothers would assume command of the Paredes criminal organization. Gero Cano, also known as 9-11, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora and residing in Cananea, Sonora is responsible for looking after the plazas of Cananea, San Pedro, Santa Cruz and Naco. Many plaza bosses reportedly reside in Agua Prieta despite the territory they control being elsewhere in Sonora. "It's scary because I'm hearing that once they take you to the crossing, you have to wait outside, and maybe even sleep," he said. Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez reportedly killed in Agua Prieta Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. They have colluded with each of the authorities of every municipality to facilitate their operations, as well as the Aguapretenses media that publishes information in their favor, include Peridico Certeza, Diario Digital Aguapretense, La Bartolina. WebThe Sinaloa Cartel (Spanish: Crtel de Sinaloa), also known as the CDS, the Guzmn-Zambada Organization, the Pacific Cartel, the Federation and the Blood Alliance, is a large, international organized crime syndicate that specializes in Sonora has experienced an explosion of violence since the end of December when Macho Prieto of the Sinaloa Cartel was killed in a violent shootout with police in the city of Rocky Point.. Mexican Cartel Convoy Violently Patrols Town Abutting He is also responsible for giving the order for the terrible massacre of the LeBarn family, although the collusive authorities in the region have protected these criminals from any accusation against them. Agua Prieta Agua Prieta is a town in the northeastern corner of the state of Sonora. Many arriving families seek help from CAME. Ramirez was killed while riding in the white sedan [see below]. They agreed to support El Jaguar's efforts to retake Madera from La Linea. 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Violence erupted yesterday in two Mexican border cities, leaving at least nine dead. Lionel paredes Peru, was a half brother, a fuck up. It's unfortunate for those getting herenow and coming away with this experience.". OTHER NAMES: Gente Nueva del Jaguars, Gente Nueva del Jaguars y sus Lobos. Quinteros? 99% it was an inside joke, a different CDS faction. Is she still one that is confirmed deceased? AGUA PRIETA, Mexico . Theyre [the 8] are accused of controlling They werent robbing, they were getting rid of all the evidence that was in the truck (weapons, radios etc) before the military arrived to the scene those people that were removing said evidence are those that worked for Fox as his bodyguards, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; Times Staff Writers. They shot him and others in front of his home. Agua Prieta Double THUMBS UP ! But who cares about her anyway, like any girl of that nature she will find the next guy to take care of her. Pedro Paredes-Peru, also known as Peter, originally from Agua Prieta, is plaza boss of Villa Hidalgo, Divisaderos and Tepache, distributing drugs in the region and contributing to the protection of the territory. Multiple deaths reported in I am sorry. "At first that group of migrants didn't want to move, they wanted to stay (at the border crossing. He believed it was money, but even without speaking Spanish, he knew something wasn't right. Friend of mine that disappeared after the shooting, Anybody know a Oyuki Valdez?? Carrying out direct orders from Tin Tin, he is responsible for distributing drugs, managing cattle theft and murders in the area that he controls. Search it. Didnt Tintin ando Tigre flip to la linea Along with el tolteca? A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels. one wonders whether he works for FBI, DEA. Some migrants said those who had come before them hadn't told them about the risks awaiting them in Agua Prieta, though it's unclear if thatwould have deterred them. Then in October 2018, Ralls alleged that his client was tortured within hours of his arrest -including waterboarding, beatings, and threats of violence against his wife- for benefit of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, which funded various Mexican law enforcement operations.

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