do they still make chum gum

I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF IT BUT IT CAME IN THE SAME SHAPE PACKAGING AS BEEMAN'S OR BLACKJACK. I am so sad today in 2016 of finding out that they were discontinued. Used to love them! In time, your gums become swollen and bleed easily. I live in San Fernando Valley, Calif. The idea was to create a tasty gum that would blow really great bubbles. Might be a big hit again. It was the best gum ever. I grew up in Maryland and used to buy Chum Gum at the little general store that sold penny candy and gas. You made my day :-). I also thought no one else knew about it, I hope it comes back. While there is a bubble gum "flavor" - which various artificial flavorings including esters are mixed to obtain - it varies from one company to another. For years I have been on the lookout for two types of candies from Brachs. I miss those candy crackers. It was the best!Bring it back! People think I am making up the name. Yesterday after my daughter's birthday dinner at Cracker Barrel, I happened upon that oh-so-delicious smell of Chum Gum in their store. I grew up in MA and there was a corner variety right by my elementary school that used to sell Chum Gum. I also loved Chum Gum and used to buy it in the early '70s. Hmmm. I, too, am from Chicago, loved Chum Gum, and have friends who mostly have never heard of it. It was actually the middle of my work day as a door to door salesman and I was stopping to get gas. I am 63 (10/21/45) and have never forgotten my all time favorite chewing gum. My brother and I lived in Riggs Park, Washington DC in the 1950s, and remember buying Chum Gum on a mobile grocery bus. Answer From Elizabeth Rajan, M.D. Wish I could still get it. I prefer the bigger size! Does anyone remember Chum Gum? I miss the gum, or maybe everything about being a child in that time. Wintergreen Certs have been my favorite for decades. Unfortunately, the manufacturer discontinued all flavors of Certs. only 2 sticks to a pack. As a child in the mid fifties I discovered it at Glazners Market in Carrollton Texas (a Dallas suburb). Bill. When my Mom passed away, my sister and I were recalling the days when we were kids and unbelievable, but we spoke about the Chum Gum and how we'd fight over that dang stuff! King size bottles were worth 5 cents!!!! What was the only . Anyway, I have also been looking for it for years with no luckChum gum was the best! I also grew up in chicago with CHUM GUM.It too brings me back to a simpler time. But it was wonderful bubblegum, and so much for the penny! Wazoo bars where can I get them? Do you know what company manufactured them? Caroline above said she has never met anyone who remembers it. Im 67 yers old and would purchase a case of Chum Gum if we could find it. I have looked for it for years. All other stick gum was 5 sticks for a nickel. 2. I used to get it at only one grocery store in Las Vegas, NM. I knew them as "sour grapes" in clear individual packaging with maybe a yellow print on it. Loved Chum Gum. I would buy it if I could find it. My sister and I would get Milkshake candy bars at Hoyt Pool near Milwaukee, and sometimes we would get them frozen and wow, were they amazing. Orange County, CA in 1960's-early 70's. He focused all of his marketing and efforts to the new gum and it was impressive. I grew up in Wilmington NC & remember buying CG @ 3 sticks for a penny. I grew up in the 50's and use to sit on the river bank and blow away, while watching the St. Lawrence Seaway being built. A friend and I in Silver Spring, MD would take my 25 cents allowance (in 1952) and buy about 50 sticks of Chum-Gum and chew all sticks at once to see who could blow the biggest bubbles. Throwback: 20 Old School Candies That Don't Exist Anymore - TheRecipe And you all are right if you ask some one about it they think you are crazy. Take a peak at It came in sticks (5 per pack, if I remember correctly ) and the pack color corresponded with the flavor. Thought I needed to quickly write you back, and indicate my suppositional error. I retired as a pastor. I don't remember zebra stripe gum.. Listen to all of us old gumheads, carrying on! Bub's Daddy bubble gum ropes. Now Im grown and have the cash to buy these products in quantity. It is Bio Silk Fruit Cocktail reconstructing shampoo. Do they still make Freshen Up gum? - AnswersAll That was the "Good Ole Days". google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; Like so many really cool products from the past, these most likely are gone for good. I am looking for a candy from my youth called Pond Scum. Best ever - oh, to go back again! Id give my eyeteeth for just one more spin with Chum Gum. It's a relief to know it really did exist! I loved Chum Gum! Make Fish Chum - America Go Fishing In the 1960's, if I found a penny or two, I would run to the Dog Gone Grocery Store on South Merritt Island, FL., Then I'd eat both pieces before all my sisters found out. Tootsie Roll bought Fleer 12 years ago, and today makes Dubble Bubble, another old Fleer product. Its called the Curly wurly. Please, please, please bring back that awsome flavor! I will post the link here when he sends it. When they stop selling them I bought every BOX I could get my hands on. when we were young,my sisters and i would walk 2 miles to a country store in West Virginia to get this gum and nickle candy bars, peanuts and a 10 cent bottle of soda pop that you could return the bottle and get a nickle back.there was also another gum they sold that was two sticks for a penny,it to was pretty good, the name of it was devil gum, it was cinnamon flavored and it come in a red pack, I think the same company made it also made chum gum. Miss it cant find it..Yumm, yumm. ___ But I bother to write because at 19 in 1975 I was stationed in Deutschland in Bamberg, Bavaria in a Hawk Missile Unit. I remember the taste and smell so well. Maybe it's a blood clot. The candy bars they make now are so small and do not taste as good. IT IS LIKE THE BEST GUM EVER.BRINGS ME BACK TO THE DAYS WHEN LIFE WAS GOOD,AND NOTHING BOTHERED ME.THOSE WERE THE DAYS. I can still taste it, but cant describe the flavor, except excellent! Chum Gum was my favorite. I'm a pharmacy tech and one of the children's antibiotics smells JUST LIKE CHUM GUM when the water is added! Are clorets still available? Barney-Google Maps wouldnt co-operate for a finer search.). Wish I could get the recipe and have it made again. In the 1940s I used to buy penny candy. This group of people said that they never heard of it so I told them to goggle it and maybe it would show up. I'm 70, lived in Fisher Illinois and chewed it in 4th grade in 1954 and beyond. I still remember the red two stick gum. Bubble gum flavor. I believe it has been permanently discontinued, Oh My God!!! I have been looking for Chum Gum for years and I haven't had any luck. IF someone finds it my e-mail that is how serious I am at 57 years old. I used to go and buy them by the box. In the 50's and into the 60's Chum Gum did come 3 pieces for a penny. I CAN STILL TASTE IT! My husbands favorite candy was the blue mint coolers. old and remember the great flavor the gum had, I can still taste it today, I also bought a gum called devil gum, does anyone remember that gum? Oh yes, good Lord, I thought I had lost my mind or was having hallucinations and here there's a whole club of people with the Chum Gum jones, just like me! Youve shared lots of very special memories that will always be cherished. I would love to see Chum Gum come back no matter what today's price would be! I chewed a 20-pack of Leaf Confectionery bubble gum (sour apple, sour grape, lemon etc) as a bet from my friends. Also coated with powdered sugar. The Chicago company was small. Somebody bring it backthey have brought everything else back from beechies to violet why not chum gum? Tooth decay (dental caries) also may result. Yep I also grew up on chum gum and until recently haven't found anything close, but check out Ford Gum company and the gum called bologna and hotdog gum is as close as I've found.I got it in Santa Fe New Mexico at Walgreens. Might have been associated with the discontinued candy section. Discontinued Candy - Candy Favorites Elementary school. Do they still make beemans gum? Now I would pay 2 sticks for a buck if I could find it. NOBODY remembers that gum except my grandmother who would buy it for my grandfather. My mom would walk with us to the neighborhood candy store and we would purchase it along with turtles, bazooka joe bubble gum, Wish they would get the recipe and reintroduce it! (Sigh), I grew up in upstate NY and LOVED Chum GUm. Fleer - Wikipedia I WANT MY WINTERGREEN CERTS BACK. Life back then was beautiful. 2 for a penny. I think it came in clear plastic candy wrapper. We would drag our wagon all over town!!! WE'D GO TO CHELMERS IN UTICA,MN A LITTLE STORE JUST TO BUY CHUM GUM!! Please start making milkshake Candys bars again. I have searched also for Chum Gum, funny no one I know remembers it either. I talk about Chum Gum atleast once a month. I did a yahoo search on chum gum thats how iI found this page. So if we could find a few pop bottles we had us good in candy for several days. And also does any one remember the sputnik gum - round blue gumball with sugar coating? It was my favorite bubble gum and apparently still is 50 years later! i was 3 yrs old and i remember stealing candy from the 7-11 and some of it was chum gum.. the clerk call the police, not becuase i was stealing but becuase i was at the store alone. (The Good Old Days) As a child I was very frugal with my money. No gum compares to the taste or texture. Sponsored. It was hypnotic, you had to get some no matter what, that and a box of Indian Head Pumpkin seeds and you were good to go! It was simply the best gum ever some one should bring this gum back. Bring it back !!! Chum Gum (History, Marketing & Pictures) - Snack History Milky Ways dont even come close. She liked them so much that was spent that evening driving to different gas stations to find this product and after a few hours of driving around found two more packages at a Hucks in Orleans, Indiana. Mighty Gum Immunity $16.00 Mighty Gum's chewing candy contains a ton of natural, germ-fighting extracts, like ashwagandha, elderberry, and reishi mushroom. i think they were about 2x2 square. Fleer introduced the recipe to the world as Dubble Bubble (and yes, we carry that, too). Does anyone know? The last time I bought them was around 2018. White powdery coated soft bubble gum that blew bubbles the size of your whole face and ended up stuck there when they burst. One kid at school asked me if I was rich since I always had a bag of candy. But progress is progress. 4. I thought I was the only one that had this gum and for a while I began to think it was all in my head. I wish they still made it--I would certainly buy it all the time. The boxes were sealed, preserving freshness and flavor, so consumers hardly complained. It makes my mouth water to think of it!! If our proceeds were an odd number, we would buy a one cent Chum Gum with the odd penny because it had two pieces of gum and we could split the penny. 6. Everyone I talk to has a memory of eating certs with their grandparents or a great aunt/uncle. For some people, gluten triggers an immunological response that causes damage to the small intestine. I was a kid in Winston-Salem NC and now I'm 54 and I can vividly remember the taste of Chum Gum. I got it at a small restaurant across from the High School. The BEST candy bar on the planet! jas. People used to say Who has Chum Gum? I miss it!!!! Me and my sister would collect empty soda bottles becaus you got a penny a piece return on them. Almost everyone is sold out of these products and any that would remain would be expired. I was looking for the Marathon Bar. I grew up in Wisconsin and we bought it all the time in the penny candy section of our neighborhood meat market. Loved it, but you have to admit the taste only lasted about a minute if you were lucky, but it was so good!! Miss it. Bring these back and with proper marketing they will be successful. It would probably be 2 for a quarter these days. I remember buying Chum Gum in the middle 50's. I havent had them yet. Fleer originally developed a bubble gum formulation called Blibber-Blubber in 1906. Thank you! And Blow. I bought it in St. Albans. It was popular for the entirety of the gum because it was soft and easy to chew but also because it had good flavor. While Chum Gum was a bright spot in candy history for only a short time, its one worth remembering. Don't think were the only ones out here moaning about the want for more of it! I think we bought it at the local 7-11. Chiclets Peppermint Gum. Is this a temporary thing?. Whenever we talk about the good old days, this Chum Gum always comes up in the conversation. However, in 1928, they used that idea to create Dubble Bubble, which is where the true fame and sensation of Fleers bubble gum works began. I take it out sometimes and think back .In the 50s it was 3sticks for .01. how to make bubble gum Bubble Yum Rockin' Raspberry flavor. What happened to the large size Atomic Fireballs? In fact, as explained by Chewing Gum Facts, Thomas Adams, creator of the brand Chiclets, is considered one of the founders of the chewing gum industry. Yum. At the time, I was about 3 or 4 years old. I am 62 years old and would buy chum gum in a drug store in Argo, Illinois. By the way, there was a reference to taffy and I believe you were talking about B-O-N-O-M-O, Bonomo Turkish Taffy! Someone else said that thosewere the carefree days when we had no problems and life was easy. Along with Banana Splits, they were true classics! I LOVED Chum Gum!! Yeah man, I used to go to North Ward School on 4th Street and we'd go to Tussey's Drug Store. I really miss this nostalgic gum. Please , I have cancer and I really need my certs !!!! Ive reminisced about Chum Gum since 1958. These mints were more that a breath mint, they were an institution. Google - How to make gum? Its great taste is why I've never forgotten it. The closest I have come to this flavor is Wrigleys Extra classic bubble flavor. I can smell it! Knowing that the Fleer Company was responsible for Chum Gum, lets dive in there just a tad. That wasn't the case with Black Cat Bubble Gum. I remember going on our summer vacation every year to a cabin in Crosby, MN and the office had a little candy section and we would load up on Chum Gum. The flavor lasted ALL DAY. When I was a child we lived outside of Chicago IL and that's where we would buy the gum. Chum Gum was the best everI am 42 and from Chicago I also have been searching for years, just asked a retro candy store yesterday and said he can't locate either. We got it at a store near the church it was called the e z buy store. Unfortunately, not, Susie. I cant believe they discontinued my favorite Wazoo Bars. Do you know where I could find them or do you have the ability to obtain them if they still exist somewhere? I agree it was the best tasting gum ever. ), absolutely NO ONE I asked knew what I was talking about or remembered it! I guess I am showing my age(61 on 9/19/1947.) BEST GUM EVER MADE. I found a box on Ebay from the 50s, but could not imagine eating something that always had that powder coating on it. I was sitting at my desk and decided to Google Chum Gum. Beemans is sporadically produced by Cadbury Adams as a nostalgia gum, along with the other historic gums Clove and Black Jack. Too bad they don't make this anymore. I do remember a beechnut gum that was striped. Fleer needs to start making it again. I remember leaving Calverton Junior High in Baltimore, MD Whitmore & Riggs Ave with my left over pennies and purchased my gum from the corner store located Mosher Street, to walk home with chewing and blowing bubbles. I was engaged and my fianc was in the Air Force. Sure miss the 50's and the way things were. Oh, well. I would also get Kits in banana, chocolate and strawberry. . Set aside two tablespoons of powered sugar to sprinkle over finished gum. where can i get this great gumnothing compares. I loved Chum Gum :-). I am interested in mint juleps and Christmas hard mix. Back when we could ride our bikes off the street to the Quik Market when we were 10 and get 2 sticks of Chum Gum for 2 cents. This particular confectionary was in north St. Louis near the Walnut Park neighborhood, just west of Interstate-70. Bazooka Bubble Gum is still being made! One of his first bubble gum creations was Blibber Blubber, which came out in 1906. Oh cummon, like you werent thinkin it too. I mean there was really absolutely no reason for this response and I have never had an experience like that at a gas station before or since that one time. Sure wish Fleer would produce this again. I loved the stuff!! When a specially marked charmspop wrapper could get you a free one. I remember ChumGumit had a sweet and unique flavor. Three sticks for 0.1 cent. Loved it. One of my fondest memories of Germany. I used to ride my bike about s mile to Campbells Drug store on the corner of Atlantic blvd and ocean blvd. After all, it came from the same brand and had a lot of the same qualities as well. I bought a pack of "Orbit" "bubblemint" and it brought me back to Jr. I remember the blue and white package, the delicious smell of the gum, the way it would melt in your mouth (and try hard not to swallow it-but often did), powdery coating. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Snack History participates in the Amazon Associate and WalMart Partner Network programs and receives earnings from qualifying purchases. Oh my gosh, I have dreamed of Chum Gum for years. I dont think any of these products were marketed as well as they could have been. Sounds like a common experience for many here. Dentyne - Wikipedia High. Yes those were the days! Thanks for letting me share. Discontinued Candy and Gum favorites - So, it was very odd to me that after I had not had any Brachs Red Twists for several years had even forgot about them that I was at a Speedway Gas Station on the South Side of Bloomington, Indiana. Here's one for you how about Chum Gums little brother "RED DEVIL GUM" as I recall it was sweet and spicy. Much like Chum Gum, it was pink, powdery, and soft. Chum Gum was owned and produced by Fleer Company from 1950 to 1971. The Milwaukee stores sold nearly everything you'd want, including hunting rifles and ammo. It was pink and I loved that two came in the wrapper. THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO FELT THIS WAY ABOUT CHUM GUM. I also used to buy KitKats, BB Bats, 3-V Cola, licorice wound up like a small record, Turkish Taffy (with a stripe down the middle) and other glorious candy that is part of my St. Louis childhood memories. They did make stick bubble gum in the early 1970s. She moved to Scotland recently and is missing teeth like crazy, so I wanted to send her some replacement chicklets but cant find them anywhere?? I also googled it and I found all of these postings. I had chum gum all the time. I would put the chewed chum gum on my headboard for the next day, it did lose its flavor but I could wake up and blow bubbles till I would get together with the friends go to Melchens candy store and purchse more. Wacky Wafers are not on your list. i keep looking for chum gum too!sadly its no longer made.i also grew up in chicago in the 70's and bought it every time i went to the candy store.i remember "borrowing a whole dollar out of my moms purse and getting a small brown bag full of candy.chum gum was always my favorite. The BEST penny candy counter ever. Always left with a bag of Chum gum for the cents . Thanks, Candy. But they were GOOD! Wish someone would make it again. Your article shows one picture with a blue wrapper. google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; we will never get or have those in again or something to that effect. Swallowing gum: Is it harmful? - Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic Wish they would bring it back, along when life was simple and carefree. i grew up in grand forks,n.d. Alas, I have searched the world over for many years, searching and hoping that somewhere I would find Chum Gum. Chum Gum (The Comrades reeeealy didnt like us for tearing up there countryside. Chiclets were originally made with chicle, a natural gum found in several tropical American trees. i would really like for someone to bring back my favorite childhood gum. I've often ask people if they remember Chum Gum and no one knows what I'm talking about. We each got a nickle to spend from the return money. They had a penny candy counter there and I ALWAYS bought Chum-Gum. If you swallow gum, it's true that your body can't digest it. Fleer?Are you listening ? I used to earn my Chum Gum reward, however. Ask away and we will do our best to answer or find someone who can.We try to vet our answers to get you the most acurate answers. fruit classic certs !!!!!!! Chum Gum Alum. google_ad_height = 600; Here's a wild one! I'm so happy it wasn't all a dream. In my search for Bonomo Turkish Taffy, I was remembering Chum Gum and decided to Google it to try and find it. And like many of you here no one that I know remembers it. I'd get a small vanilla or cherry coke for 7 cents (the best also) from the fountain and boxes of jujubes. "Our new obsession." - TIME White powdery coated soft bubble gum that blew bubbles the size of your whole face and ended up stuck there when they burst. So im just thankfull that i got to taste chum gum and i will never forget the taste. I used to buy chum gum 2 sticks for a penny and would save up a nickel in pennies to get more at a time, I lived in the hills of West Virginia and walked to the old gas station/grocery store on Saturday afternoon after westerns and cartoons were over on tv. It was and still is unique and indescribably delicious. old, and I remember buying Chum Gum from my Uncle's country store in Partlow, Va.

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