villain monologue generator

Blake (Alec Baldwin) in Glengarry Glen Ross: *That watch costs more than you car. 11 Dark Female. The very sign of our victory is our very bodies. They will claw their way from the dank hole in the ground where you placed them and serve me. But seeing him therein our study on his cushion. While I was away in service to my liege, my lands were despoiled, my castle captured, and my loyal retainers and my family were all put to death. "Judgement of the Sultan" - a LE vorpal scimitar that had gotten its mitts into the youngest, and lowest wisdom, member of the party. Evil Villain Generator is the best tool ever! If you want to know all the credits of this post with the thanks for their authorizations and inspirational content click on Here. "You can figure out what the villain fears by his choice of weapons.". he rips his shirt open revealing an incredibly emaciated form . You towel-headed camel jockeys can kiss my royal Irish ass. Generate the perfect evil villain with the evil villain generator. Villain Monologue Generator v.1. Related . At this point he casts them into an illusion that depicts an awful future in which the undead are running rampant and a dark paladin is sitting in the throne spreading dark corruption across the land. You frown and scowl. GUNS BLAZIN!!!. Part of the database used for this module is the intellectual property of Ben (Orkish Blade). One of my favorite things to write is an evil monologue. Cookie Notice Secrets. I think all of us have a hero and a villain in us. It's a really fun way to keep the audience invested. Youre quasi-evil. These titles can be used to inspire and give personality to the character, although it does not have to have a very elaborate background. Because he started meditating. 7. Theyd certainly live longer. Alfie, then screams . Video Game Voice Over Script Example 1:The People Freer. Eight is the number writ down in days of old. Then the pike is placed in the ground so the weight of the victim's own body is the propulsion for their doom as the pike slowly pierces more and more of their innards. Breath weapon. a free resource created by Gabriel Davis to support those seeking audition material. Worship that? - Need to convert Evil Villain generated content to video with AI real voices? party, holiday, funeral) Ah, but did I not also tell you that my plans were decades in the making. Taste, dont swallow. It describes the villain's biography, in the absence of the main story and what the player characters do or don't do. Oh, I see that the "True heroes of old," have finally arrived- it is a pity th-. What do you know. By Henry Abosi. No exit. Whenever I come home from work you have some sort of issue going on and I can't deal with it. I poisoned the waters. Then he smashes a glass bottle into her face. About a week ago u/Gazook89 suggested the idea of a monologue generator for "super villains." I took a stab at it and created this: Villain Monologue Builder . Nat 20. Ill just make a quick run to the grocery he said need anything dear? he asked me. And for them there is no hope of freedom at the end of their torment. Death. Personally I would have to say the best Villianous Monologues are the ones where, at the end you start to realize that maybe he has a point, and isnt a caricature of evil. villain monologue generator Professional Voice Over Artist (443) 907-6131 | fabricant de lunettes dans le jura. Ten toes? Upon reaching the final chamber, they came face to face with a mad Dark Elf and his unnatural experiments/abominations. And Cersei Lannister always delivers. Re: Supervillain Monologues. Hes an absentee landlord! When my husband first told me this, I asked him to please explain himself and he said: Well you know, I grew up in Idaho, on a potato farm. Fast or slow? HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR! No, no. And with them, I shall become the hidden ruler of all I survey. You, I dont even like.. you can use them to tell the backstory, to show what drives them, or even to subvert audience expectations. No. Not every epic anime moment is a fight scene or a confession of love. I kill first borns while their mamas watch. Though it may take a lifetime, I will have what is mine restored to me. Hang the traitor! Whyd you sell us out, Burke? I sold you out? 10. Includes a compilation of roleplay memes by tumblr users: leneemusing, vaememes, morememesforall, bunchamemes, vhsmeme, edenmemes, eternalmemes, ohisms, turnpage, soulmemes, nightprompts, memelleity . And when it crashes down upon the surface of this planet the force will cause the very ground and rock beneath our feet to boil, melt, and flow in great waves of fiery destruction to sweep all life away. Read more. Mel Brooks. When you are happy with your evil villain, press Copy to copy the details to your device. The Monologue Mechanic provides a nice fix for the inclination to hack n' slash your Alternatively, you could always take a screenshot to keep an image locally on your computer and perhaps edit it further by adding a character image or similar elements. My raiment is the Invulnerable Coat of Arnd. My father was no married to my mother. The lowest levels are: Useless Henchman (many failures) and Henchman. Challenge me not on this! The best keep you on the edge of your seat and make you feel like your hero has met their match. Magnanimous in victory? Of course, not everything is so dramatic. Because I never rejected him. Pray you never feel its full might unleashed upon you. Just one half of an hour from contraction to conclusion of this pestilence. Can you? 2023 NONETWORK, LLC. Simply choose the type of villain you want to create (Warlock or Long/Distance Combatant), its power level and press "Generate". So when I took a city, I had the men and male children slaughtered. The Rod of the Arcane? We try to signal for him to stop, but he steps from the closet takes aim and fires. Pray I am so gracious when I crush you pitiful lot beneath my boot heel. The BBEG cries out in pain as a bolt tears through his right hip. Come get my gun? For the crime of opposing my will. he tried but that that potato look wasnt there. I would give examples but I wanted to get your brain working. trees, houses, rivers) Two adjectives that could be used to describe that place. They are the incarnation of Evil or Chaos, being the antagonists of the heroes or protagonist player characters. 2. - Hierarchy: This parameter represents how far the villain has come in his life. Good father? No way! Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mineALL OF IT KEVIN!! It has everything you need to create an evil villain name, This evil villain generator is great! After so many shall we say, setbacks it would be folly to abandon hope especially when our cause is just. This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finalehas one of the best, but I'm sure my fellow Dopers can find other worthy ones. Fuck the Puerto Ricans. A monologue from Marie LaVeau and the Vampire by Rosary O'Neill (Female, Dramatic, 20s - 50s) Marie LaVeau and the Vampire is a mystery/comedy about the voodoo priestess Marie LaVeau and the band of spirits that try to kill her. So you could make it apply outside of combat too, perhaps. points to a partially decomposed goat or maybe finish the job you started all those years ago? 7 Most Villainous Monologues. Hopefully, this article has you well on your way to your antagonist delivering a powerful monologue that makes the audience nervous about what comes next. All for a single clue towards this powerful artifact that I now hold in my arsenal. She is often kidnapping media stars to achieve her goals. Because thats what perfection is dammit. , insult, monologue, moor, speech, taunt, villain. It's either a way to introduce your characters, show their ending, or reveal their plan. A woman wakes up to find her family gone and her doors and windows boarded up with no way to escape. Villain monologues are some of the most fun moments in film and television. Congratulations on being the creator of a new Evil Plan (tm)! The best women have birthed a dozen or more of my mongrel soldiers. I said Hey, maybe try looking at me, sending loving wishes to me instead of a potato? He agreed to try it, we sat down, I sat in front of him. I hear you. The fools who thwarted me before heh. Because, basically, I feel your pain. The women and girl children I placed in great hatcheries where I loosed my strongest, bravest monsters. How much you make? You want to brainstorm where the monologue will occur first, then work out what it needs to say in the individual scene first. Steal my treasure? No. I do not believe in magic or blessed numbers. This is the " Random Villain Generator" module. Report here, Copyright 2023 Do the animals and creatures of the wild not have a right to live in peace? So how do you put all this on paper? These are my enemies. This is why I don't do monologues anymore. the Saudi merger is said to be extremely essential for the network's survival but Beale's . You think this is abuse? Before the battle commenced, he offered the following to the wide-eyed party: "Poor little children, afraid and alone, Trying their hardest, to unreap what I've sown. Where to Watch All the 2023 Oscar Nominated Short Films. One hot summer day I came upon someone bathing in the cool water. And her army will join mine to lay waste to the world and in the ashes that remain build a more just world. Our Ranger immediately sets his crossbow. I offered you magic. You see pal, thats who I am, and youre nothing. Each poster may define villainy as he or she chooses without fear of being attacked by flying monkeys. We could have put you on the same eyeline as God Himself. So they had to be taken. If you are looking for AI resources to generate original Evil Villain content we recommend the following: I intellectually understood it. See my husband has always meditated, but the issue in our marriage started when he was trying to get into this certain type of meditation called loving kindness meditation. Im irrelevant! No? This easy to use tool will help create an outline of a villain (or any other character for that matter) for RPG games, but it could just as easily be used for other purposes if you see fit. And rounded characters can deliver excellent monologues. Another one I truly loved was delivered by Monique in the movie Precious. What Does the Ending of 'American Psycho' Mean? Hes laughin His sick, fuckin ass off! Though magic be a scourge upon the land, I must use the weapons of mine enemies. For it is magic users of every stripewizards, conjurers, necromancers, charlatans and illusionists, warlocks, clerics and paladins, druids and all the restthat have rended the very fabric of reality. The evil villain generated includes an original name, the evil villain's plot, and how the evil villain will die. All antagonists have a plan, which are usually told throughout the plot. Revenge. Rich has a talent of breaking down the details in a game and seeing clear ways they can improve. irlande tva intracommunautaire 2021; fortnite sauver le monde pack fondateur ultime; villain monologue generator ; rver de bouchon crumen en islam; mon mari fume. God likes to watch. Are we cutting away from it, do we see the aftermath of what was promised, or is this just someone talking at us to move the action? I dont have the exact quote, but he starts out by walking over to his girlfriend and telling Philip Marlowe how much he loves her. Last time. Death. It's very funny and lampoons a lot of the lessons we've learned above. Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty. So I took the right hand of very man, woman, and child in the district. Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach. Connie Brockway. Yes, that is the result of just one of my battles. . More information. A portal. Twenty to a car, swelling up the welfare rolls. You will speak not of the six. No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? Perhaps you have heard of the Eye and Hand of Vecna, but what of the Heart of Vecna? In my benevolence I did not, but I still needed to send a strong message to mine enemies. 11. An occasion (e.g. When you are happy with your evil villain, press Copy to copy the details to your device. Gulnis climbs the mountain and sees the Bard, "HEY you were the rat who interrupted my monologue". And dont even get me started on the Dominicans, cause they make the Puerto Ricans look good. In fact, I am a man out of time you might say. Fuck my father with his endless grief, standing behind that bar, sipping on club soda, selling whiskey to firemen and cheering the Bronx Bombers. Here we see someone describing their mindset, telling us what makes them tick. Do you know what happens to people who are trapped, just as surely as you are trapped now? When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. Blackmagic Design Makes Cloud-Based Editing Workflows Even More Affordable, 10 Questions a Beginning Cinematographer Might Ask (With Answers! What Do They Do? And I knew the fastest way to rise in power and influence was through war. Just one calorie-- not evil enough. You know?. !, Im an angel. It is a horrible way to die to be sure. The higher their level, the more followers and followers they will have. Goldfinger gets this wonderfully smug look and says who said anything about removing it? And then he teases Bond along in figuring out the real plan. Hes laughin His sick, fuckin ass off! I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls; and from now 'til Kingdom Come the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why.. They are more than objects of vanity or mere symbols of power. And name what creature more terrifies the kingdoms of this world than the Tarrasque! 8. This field also helps to give better immersion and a more complete experience, allowing players to hear stories or cross paths with these villains unwittingly, thwarting their plans and being the enemies of the villain without knowing it. Fuck the Chelsea Boys with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps, going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, jiggling their dicks on my Channel 35. While I was away in service to my liege, my lands were despoiled, my castle captured, and my loyal retainers and my family were all put to death. Its my time now. That is over One Billion unique and original Evil Villains. You will not know how you have done such things, for by you being here today shows that my previous work on you is working as intended. He got off easy a day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity. Youre so wrong. Of course, monologues can come as part of the theme of a movie. I will do this to your enemies if you name them. What? Take your career and your day rate to the next level. Think about the incredibly famous "one who knocks" from Breaking Bad. And in this maze there was no entrance. Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Now you can generate plans of pure sadism from the comfort of your own home! It is said that the knights of legend rode into battle upon dragons. Have you found a spelling mistake or is the randomly generated content inappropriate? No, no. Once, long ago I captured a city after a lengthy and punishing siege. It sounds simple. And there I bred by half-breed warriors. Whether you're trying to name an evil nemesis in a colourful fantasy, or a sinister killer in a naturalistic, psychological thriller, you can use our villain name generator to come up with the perfect name for your character. This is the "Random Villain Generator" module. I feel like life is much greater than a hero or a villain: there's good people that sometimes make mistakes. George R. R. Martin. What if finding spectacular monologues was as easy as rubbing a magic lamp? All the randomized values can also be adjusted if you prefer different ones, like a different race type, for example. Alfie Solomons from Peaky Blinders. No resources. Yes, I think you see it now. villain monologue generator . These are the best examples of villain monologues I could think of. Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores, stinking up my day. With the most complex, and arcane ritual I shall bring crashing down upon this land a cataclysm so great that life of any kind would be hard pressed to survive anywhere upon this fetid globe. They are difficult to control. I did this to people I did no know or hold any ill will toward. My soldiers could not capture them nor crush them in battle for they would escape into the forests. A supervillain is the antithesis of a superhero. Elegant. My father was unjustly accused of treachery. He was touched by my generosity, but also worried. Another great one comes from Jules in Pulp Fiction. Just as my own brother could not stand in my way, neither shall you. That was me. I mean to put to death any and all who oppose me and intercede betwixt me and my aim. Tiamat, the Undying Queen, the Bane of Bahamut will, through me, return to rule. All the stars are aligning for moment of my ultimate triumph to be soon at hand. Then work backward. This module can be used to create villains and antagonists for any role-playing game such as: D&D 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, GURPS, Aquelarre, and any other game set in medieval fantasy. When it was my husbands time to meditate and he couldnt find his potatoes, I told him I wanted to share the happiness of potatoes with the homeless. For more first line writing prompts, go to the First Line Generator page. He succumbed to his own darkness and guilt at what he had donewhat I had forced him to doand he took his own life. Savage Wombat. I offered you magic. Typically most groups allow talking as a free action during combat. His methods may be evil his ends are more ambiguous, but still a fair bit insane. Villain Monologue Creation Summary. If you have better ones, tell me in the comments. Long before you were even born, the King had wronged my family. Pray you never feel its full might unleashed upon you. God likes to watch. Forget what the Incredibles say. Try the Evil Villain Quiz. Holding a potato, looking lovingly at a potato. The most famous villain monologue is probably fromApocalypseNow, where Colonel Kurtz delivers his epic speech before he's killed. Cue the proud Ranger. Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. But shall I tell you how you will die? Copyright Dodecahedron Developments 2023. This power level will influence the events in his life, the higher the level, the more chances of victory he will have and the more difficult it will be for the characters to face him. Ill go ahead and be embarrassed for you. "Live as a villain, die as a hero.". happy, sad, grumpy) An adjective that could describe an object. I call it destruction. The Evil Villain generator currently can create over 24,068,540,160 unique results. Burned out his eyes with a white-hot poker.

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