not so berry challenge extended base game

At o proximo post, com mais atualizaes! So naturally starting a book club at school to share your love for reading was the thing to do. You kind of resent them for it. If you did it in a rainbow that would be cool because it would could have been rose orange and so on. Tenha pelo menos 5 melhores amigos e 5 inimigos. As crianas precisam ser nota 10 na escola e ter habilidade em travessuras (ou furtar coisas). The rules of the Not So Berry Challenge are fairly simple. So, for example, the first generation Sim is a jealous materialistic vegan whose aspiration is mischief tasked with completing the Scientist career. But why do you still want more? Domnio da habilidade de Videogame, atltica e mais uma de sua escolha. Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise. 1. Voc quer jogar com traos que nunca usou antes? Thanks so much! This download simply adds two new swatches onto the base game item, so you don't have to worry about potential thumbnail duplicates. Again, all credit goes to @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming- thanks so much to them for making the challenge! Regras do Desafio Not So Berry para the sims 4 Base Game. Well, it is a ten generation legacy challenge with a focus on bright colours and brand new experiences. Clare has said that this challenge is now the main series on her channel. (Requires Snowy Escape, Get Famous, Parenthood). Until one day you found out that your mother/father/parent had a secret affair. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). Traits: Vegetarian, Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple. Monte um escritrio de oratria em sua casa e pratique pelo menos uma vez a cada poucos dias at fechar a habilidade. Note: This challenge requires basically every pack except My First Pet Stuff and Journey to Batuu (yall know why). Its ok if you dont have all of the packs. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them. Pose de shysimblr newborn cuddles -@shysimblrDesafio not so berry. NEW a different not so berry challenge (12 gen challenge) This is a fun challenge I worked on and I have been test playing it, and it is very fun! Welcome to my blog! Depois que concluir a carreira principal, trabalhe como autnomo em qualquer ramo. Bem, eu jogo um pouco diferente, eu uso o tempo de vida editado pelo mcc command center, acho que essa uma das nicas regras que altero, acho que se eu colocar o tempo de vida curto, muito rpido, e o normal tambm, j o longo extremamente demorado, ento fao as minhas alteraes pelo MCC. Jogo requisitado:The Sims 4 (pode ser adaptado para outras verses do jogo). If you've been looking for a new Not So Berry Challenge in 2020, I've got an awesome pack-filled ten-generation challenge for you :) Preview: Generation One: Onyx. 2. With having good role models around you and supportive parents, you were able to pursue your dreams of becoming a lawyer. The world right now isnt perfect and you strive to change the world for the better. NSB Base game version. Enemies, on the other hand, he gains easily. 2. Everything you see here doesnt have to be for just an FNF themed gameplay; they can all be easily incorporated into other forms of gameplay! Youve completed the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 2! Plus, I know of a lot of players who get to the end of the challenge and are so attached to their family that they dont want to stop at ten generations. You just really love space. At least then you could bring the worlds youve read to life on a canvas! Deve casar-se com seu namorado da escola (seu primeiro amor) e ficar com ele at morrer. Pressing ctrl, shift, and c opens the place to type in commands. Crie uma estufa com pelo menos 10 tipos de plantas diferentes (entre flores, frutos e rvores). This you thought was it! I hope you find this as interesting as I did! Seu casamento precisa ser perfeito e a criao dos filhos deve envolver notas 10, aulas de msica e o desenvolvimento das habilidades de lgica e travessuras. Youre very good at sports and you dream of becoming a professional athlete. The Not So Berry Challenge is a Sims 4 legacy challenge, meaning that it takes place over several generations of the same sim family. Youre very practical and you know the chances of making it as a writer are slim, so you stay working at your nine to five. Basic Rules: Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. Sims 4 Not So Berry Challenge: New Rules You Must Know Just for me, because apparently the challenge wasnt hard enough already, I also added some additional (optional) goals to the first 10 generations. , Generation 3 // Sabines House - 3br , 2ba, Generation 2 // Davinas House - 2br , 1ba, Generation 1 // Ludovicas House - 3br , 2.5ba, *side note, the builds do include store content idk how sims 3 house downloads work, so if rooms are empty then thats why, i don't post much on here anymore but will occasionally if i have something to share, i mainly just post on youtube ^-^, enroll in drama club as a child and teen + get promoted to junior artiste (lvl.4), reach level 5 in singing, dancing and an instrument of your choice, master the actor career and master actor aspiration, have a one night stand and accidentally get pregnant/impregnate the sim* - this will be your only child, join scouts club as a child and teen + get promoted to llamacorn scout (lvl.5), master gardening career (floral designer branch), master gardening and flower arranging skill, master herbalism skill (craft each recipe at least once -, master robotics skill and create your robot best friend, have 1 failed marriage and have at least 1 child w/ them, go into the deep woods > meet and befriend the hermit, start a book club as a child and meet with them at least once a week, get engaged to your best friend shortly after aging up into a young adult, join the military career reach lvl 5, then quit, go off to university and study psychology - drop out after first semester, fall in love with a vampire and ask them to turn you, break off the engagement after you drop out of university, master bowling, vampire lore, and pipe organ skill, join the education career reach lvl 4, then quit, dont have kids or adopt - instead create a vampire family of sims you turn, you can search for them easily in game by typingneecxle in the search bar in buy mode. 7 months ago. Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. We wanted to make something that forced us to play with parts of the game weve never explored before. I wanted to make a kitchen that felt like Ikea, so I named the kitchen after the city of Sweden. This is my spin on the Not So Berry Challenge! Traos Gastrnomo, preguioso e pateta. The player can use money cheats but they shouldn't overdo it. A felicidade do casal Kanzaki no poderia ser maior nesse momento, Hiromu no se aguenta de tanta felicidade e se pudesse ele largava tudo o que faz, s para poder ficar olhando o dia inteiro para sua famlia, que est crescendo, e deixa eu contar uma coisa, eles j esto planejando o prximo beb, vocs acreditam nisso? Spoiler alert: It didnt work, but you continued on your spellcasting journey. Voc passou a maior parte dos seus anos jovens sendo um Guru da tecnologia, mas quando tornou-se um adulto percebe que seu verdadeiro sonho tornar-se um danarino profissional. 1. Hey guys! I did Not so berrys original challenge on my Xbox when I had all the packs on there but now I have PC and I'm starting over getting all the packs. Kelsey Tries the Not So Berry Challenge in The Sims 4 is the ninth The Sims let's play created and produced by Kelsey Impicciche. (Para cuidar do bar, chame o barista atual do bar, e clique no bar na opo: Cuidar do Bar. @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming. Yun nasceu, isso mesmo, Yoko j estava em desespero para ver o rosto de seu beb, e j no aguentava mais est grvida, no dormia direito, e comia muito, teve crises de cimes de hiromu, quando ele teve que mudar o horrio de trabalho, quando ganho uma promoo, e seus horrios se distanciaram, e ele teve que chegar mais tarde em casa, mas com um tempo ela percebeu que eram tambm seus hormnios ativando ainda mais seu trao ciumento, ela tentava controlar, mas era quase impossvel, fazer isso, mas Hiromu com sua calma soube lidar com isso, e aguentou firme, sabia que sua esposa, estava com os hormnios agitados, e por acontecia isso, mas para o fim da gestao Yoko os nimos se acalmaram e ela teve um terceiro trimestre tranquilo em relao ao cime, Hiromu conseguiu tirar licena familiar, para ajudar Yoko com as meninas e com o fim da gestao, Yoko amou demais ter Hiromu ao seu lado 24 horas por dia. :D. If your wanting more ways to spice up your gameplay, I have a save file that ive been working on the past couple of years! I know I've mentioned this before but I am playing a modified version of lilsimsie and alwaysimming's Not So Berry Legacy Challenge. I'm currently on the Onyx generation of the Not So Berry Challenge 2. Tenha trs relacionamentos fracassados, antes de se envolver com um sim puro de corao e casar-se. Sims 4: How To Complete The Not So Berry Challenge Ol Belos jogadores de the sims 4, e sofredores do the sims 4 base! Monte um cmodo com obras de arte, que voc mesmo cria e exponha-as. Then, marry them to make sure they keep the secret. Complete a coleo de Aliengenas. Histria:Voc foi ensinado desde cedo que poderia fazer qualquer coisa. Hi Simmers! Traits: Neat, Hates Children, CreativeAspiration: Best Selling AuthorCareer: Business. Trago para vocs mais uma atualizao do desafio Not s berry base game, espero que gostem! I know I've mentioned this before but I am playing a modified version of lilsimsie and alwaysimming's Not So Berry Legacy Challeng. Information very nice. Hey guys! Tenha a maior habilidade de carisma. Voc gosta de entrar nas casas de seus vizinhos e comer os alimentos deles. Crescendo, voc nunca teve uma relao muito prxima com sua me, e passou a maior parte do seu tempo sozinha no seu quarto, obcecada pelo oceano. So Ive written up my own version of things I want to do and accomplish per generation. . Youve always been interested in the outdoors and travelling, so you decide to become an archaeologist. It can be hairstyles, make-up, clothing, or even furniture. also how do you collect postcards? I've been wanting to do this but some of the original rules are not possible for me, so this was really helpful. You always found yourself vibing with the music and dancing whenever you had the chance. Scouts club also made you truly fall in love with the outdoors. Detective by day, comedian by night, you can do anything you set your mind to. Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, RomanticAspiration: Serial RomanticCareer: Writing (Journalism Branch). When you were very young, you tried to use magic to prevent your elderly parents from dying. (requires Get to Work, Nifty Knitting)Your mother/father/parent was one of the most famous skier/snowboarders in Mt. 1 Mint 2 Rose 3 Yellow 4 Gray 5 . Max the robotics, research and debate, dancing, and DJ mixing skills. And since it's a Maxis Match item, I made it by reducing the polygon as much as possible to reduce the capacity. Go to university, live on campus, and get a degree (Computer Science or Physics). Domnio da habilidade de lgica e travessuras. 3. You long to write romance novels but are too afraid to quit your steady job to follow your dreams. Basicamente, voc um sim estranho. Mas voc sempre quer mais. Alcance nvel 8 em seis habilidades de sua escolha. Anyway, I hope you like this! 100 Base Game Traits Pack v2.5 | Vicky Sims (chingyu1023) on Patreon Base-game Aspiration: Body Builder. Do you like the rainbow? Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration. Since gen 7 is pink. Examples of this are- House Arryn in Gen 1 and House Targaryen in Gen 2. Complete a carreira e a aspirao. Deve fechar a habilidade de msica em um instrumento. R&b Singer Crossword ClueR is commonly used in statistical analysis And finally, the life span of the Sims should be set to normal, not long or short. Saia em encontros ocasionais com seu/sua cnjuge. Yun nasceu! Estou jogando o desafio not so berry, para the sims 4 jogo bsico, voce pode encontra-lo aqui, desafio adaptado por mim, para ts4 base game, no feito e no traduzido s adaptado. Have twins a few days before you become an elder (you may cheat for this). You take on a job gardening too, just in case. Taylor McCauley . Thats you. (yes, I just made a FNF reference) From that day on, you wanted to become a Triple Threat: a dancer, musician, and a producer! Break up with your partner when they realize youre a magician. According to an absoludicrous blog post, Berry Simming was founded by the Tumblr blogger known as 'Berry.'. V ao cinema com seus filhos e cnjuge. Youre a hopeless romantic, but your unflirty nature makes it nearly impossible to find love. The unusual spin on the fan-favorite game has been around for some time, calling on Sims addicts to push their personal limits and create entire dynasties. Traits: Evil, Self-Assured, GluttonAspiration: Public EnemyCareer: Criminal. Generation One: Mint. Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration and reach level 10 of the Acting career. En la generacin uno en aspiracin no me queda claro ya que yo tengo el juego base. Another challenge that has been extremely popular on youtube in the past few years is the Not So Berry Challenge and this is one that will have your sims exploring so many different aspects of the game. 2. You just go us web. 2. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family. Not being able to have children has always upset you, but with your new powers creating your own vampire family is only one step away, Career: Military/ Education/ Business Owner. SOOO to enhance how good the main idea for this challenge is I came up with 8 new generations for it lol Anyway, I decided I would share this 'cause I know that many of you guys also . In every generation, the heir should complete both their career and their aspiration. you have good knowledge for article writing and this article is amazing. One swatch is for rose gold on blonde hair, and another is for rose gold on dirty blonde. . Moon has been dreaming of this moment since he was a child, it's time to begin his journey into the spotlight!My Not So Berry Extended Rules: https://neecxle. The Base Game Not So Berry Challenge - Flower Queen Traos Infantil, geek e alegre. Voc realmente ama o oceano e far qualquer coisa para morar em Sulani, custe o que custar. Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 2, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. At o prximo post, Com mais atualizaes! I finished the Not So Berry Challenge but wanted to continue for a few more generations because I adore my family. You never admit the affair to anyone and dedicate your life to being the perfect parent. This challenge is all about choices. V para qualquer bar todo fim de semana, depois de concluir a carreira e aspirao, e cuide do bar. When you entered high school, you found your love for the arts and decided that youd become an artist. I. You always enjoyed a good read that could take you on a journey in a whole new fantasy world. 3. Thank you for sharing, you can also find more information about everything in life like health food, sports here. I tried very hard to keep the spirit of the challenge intact, and to change as little as possible for the first ten generations out of respect for the original challenge. Each world will give you a new experience as you go about playing 10+ generations (if you have all of the packs of course), with new careers, skills and more! Your parent was a bit of a public figure, but you always shied away from the limelight. You enjoy breaking into your neighbors houses and eating their food. In The Sims community, the term "berry" is used to describe Sims who have unnaturally colorful hair, skin tone, and eye color, wearing matching outfits. Voc no tem instinto materno, mas ama muito seu/sua filho(a). Here is my modified version of the rules. Oh, and you love music. 4. The world isnt stopping anytime soon so you gotta act fast and get your dance on! (P.S. Traos Ama o ar Livre, ciumento, materialista. And what about those dreams you had of becoming a famous skier/snowboarder? And I make sure that us web can have you for many things, give many informations. Thatll bring in some money right? So I've written up my own version of things I want to do and accomplish per generation. Adopt at least two cats from the shelter and one stray cat. hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly colored skin is not necessary (these aren't actually berry Sims, that's the joke). Clementine Fyres (nee Berry) is the daughter of Lila Berry and Mollie Berry, who was conceived, along with her siblings (Camille and Tyler) , through a sperm donor and is the sixth generation heir of the Not So Berry Challenge. 3. Since completing this challenge not once, but TWICE- I've decided to create a 2.0 version that uses more of the gameplay that has been introduced in new packs since this challenge was created years ago. simmer-emsie All Packs Extended Not-So-Berry Challenge - illusorythrall Seus pais, so os melhores que ela podia ter, eles conseguem dar ateno pra todo os filhos e ainda assim, conseguir promoes no trabalho, Soo-Yun, j est ansiosa para conhecer seu irmozinho, Sumie parece no gostar muito disso, mas ela dizia a mesma coisa com Yun, mas Soo-yun sempre via ela indo ver o irmozinho e falando s para ele ouvir, que ele era lindo, mas Soo-Yun sempre via isso, Sumi s bastante esquentada, mas ama todos ns, e no sempre que ela consegue demonstrar, Soo-Yun no tem problema com isso, ela demonstra mesmo o amor, ama demais os pais, a Irm, o irmo, e j ama demais o irmozinho que vai nascer. Its up to the survivors of the world to fight off the dead and reestablish the world that we once knew. E Yoko, ama demais tudo isso ela se enche de felicidade a cada chute em sua barriga e a cada sorriso que ela recebe se suas filhas, Yoko no achava que gostaria de ter tantos filhos, quer saber ela nem acha mais que trs, so muitos, trs na verdade um timo nmero. Her blog is no longer around (unless its moved somewhere and I missed it) but you can find the trait here. skin // brows //eyeshadow // hair // blush // lipgloss // glasses // hat // earrings //, If youve happened to be interested in the houses ive built for mySims 3 Lepacy Challenge, you can download them here, enjoy! Its not actually base game because Sixam comes with get to work! Starting my NSB base game challenge, mint gen CAS and start. They have added the vegetarian traits in the Sims 4 base game. hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly colored skin is not necessary (these aren't actually berry Sims, that's the joke). If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. Torne-se o melhor amigo de todos os seus filhos. You make it your mission in life to be as rich as possible, and to become super famous through acting. Instead of going off to university like everyone else you got convinced to join the military, but that didnt last long so you quit and went off to study psychology. Complete the Eco Innovator aspiration and reach level 10 of the Civil Designer career. Your parents always taught you to follow your dreams. 5. Not So Berry- The Sims 4- Base Game Rules. While browsing the internet one day you came across some videos about some kid with blue hair rapping with his friends and you immediately became obsessed. 4. Name your Not so Berry Sims! - Baby Name Games - Nameberry 5. Each heir in the challenge represents a . Voc um romntico sem esperana, mas sua natureza pouco familiar torna quase impossvel encontrar o amor. Well, you have no interest in letting your good name come to an end. You have a one time secret affair and will regret it for the rest of your life. I might add more if anyone is interested. *Eu no sei muito bem se obrigatrio pelas regras do desafio, se necessrio que todos os filhos da gerao, fiquem com a cor vermelha, como j disse, eu apenas adaptei as regras para o jogo base, eu li em vrias tradues do desafio, e no encontrei falando nada, o que eu irei fazer deixar os cabelos vermelhos que a cor da prxima gerao, e nas roupas um pouco de vermelho e verde, as cores da gerao atual e da prxima. Tenha uma mesa de esculpir e exponha numa sala os objetos que criou (apenas itens de decorao devem ser produzidos nela, nada de mveis). Eventually, you have a home of your own, built by your own two hands. Not so Berry - Extended - gerbithats Traits: Active, Slob, Music LoverAspiration: BodybuilderCareer: Athlete. Guess running your own business is going to have to wait. Ajude todos os seus filhos com a escola/projetos e torne-se melhor amigo deles. Nossa! If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. This challenge consists of the 10 generations of the Not So Berry challenge by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming, with a few extra skill and collection goals added, followed by the 11 generations of the Road Less Travelled challenge (created by myself (originally . Not So Berry Legacy Challenge It's not all. Torne-se melhor amigo de seu(s) filho(s). However, if you don't - you can still use these rules, simply skip the generation (s) of the packs you don't have, or swap out listed traits, careers, aspirations, or goals for ones in packs you DO have. You had everything you desired as a child but you were always longing for more. Thank you, gorgeous anon!! To make up for your nonexistent relationship with your parents you want to be there for your own children as much as possible. Clare Siobhan CC Links 2. Divorcie-se e case-se com o mesmo sim. The rules of the Not So Berry Challenge are fairly simple. Not So Berry Challenge | Clare Siobhan Sims 4 Wiki | Fandom At o prximo post com mais atualizaes! Growing up you never had a close relationship with your mother and spent the majority of your time alone in your room obsessing over space. For many Sims 4 players, challenges are a fun way to keep the game fresh and give narrative and direction to an otherwise open-world game. heart eyes : Not So Berry [Expanded] (Legacy Challenge) You can use any gender or put a name for each color. Not So Berry Challenge using my 100 Base Game Traits Changelog Feb 27, 2023: V2.5: Added German Translations by Nope. The Not So Berry Alternative / update Challenge Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 2, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. As one of the games without a clear linear narrative, it's possible to spend months or even years playing The Sims 4. At its heart, its a legacy challenge about playing a different sim with different life goals each generation. Simularity - Not So Berry Color Name Suggestions but like melanie, we are wielding dual colors. Youre dedicated to your work, but that doesnt stop you from going out and having a good time. Histria:Voc foi pego hackeando uma grande empresa que, em seguida, ofereceu-lhe um emprego. 4. 3. RELATED: How To Make Money (Without Resorting To Cheats) In The Sims 4. Voc se dedica a arrumar seu casamento e a criar seus filhos da melhor maneira que puder. Agora Yoko e Hiromu, vo deixar as coisas acontecerem mais devagar, e agora vo esperar um pouco, para poder pensar se vo ainda ter mais filhos, Yoko acha que melhor ficarem assim, ela ama seus filhos, amar qualquer um outro que possam ter, mas a gravidez to estressante que ela prefere ficar sem esta grvida por um bom tempo, e sim, digo novamente ela ama seus filhos, mas eles do trabalho, e ela nem sabe se vai d conta desses trs. Deve viver sua vida adulta em um mundo diferente do que foi criado. You have the perfect life. Being out in nature didnt make you feel like you were so alone anymore, which is why camping became something you loved to do. Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, RomanticAspiration: Serial RomanticCareer: Politician. Cada gerao deve ter a carreira e aspirao completa antes do fim da vida da herdeira(o). Detetive de dia, comediante noite. I have also started streaming on Twitch just for fun, my mental health, and to meet new people. However, in case the game gets boring for the player, they can spice things up by doing a challenge. Thank you! NOT SO BERRY - AN UPDATED VERSION . I know I've mentioned this before but I am playing a modified version of lilsimsie and alwaysimming's Not So Berry Legacy Challenge. 4. I will remove this first note when Ive finished testing and editing the challenge. As an adult you have a hard time committing to relationships as youre so focused on your career. You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation. You have absolutely no parental instincts whatsoever but you still love your child with all your heart. Histria:Voc nunca teve um relacionamento prximo com sua me. Complete the Lord or Lady of the Knits aspiration and reach level 10 of the Politician career in the Charity Organizer branch. This helped a cramp ton! Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise. Hi everyone! Berry Extended Not-So-Berry Challenge - Updated Feb 14, 2023 Have an on-again, off-again relationship with a book club member. You like cats and romance novels, and all you really want to do is knit clothes for charity. When Im not playing games (which is rare) I also enjoy reading and crafting. Eu espero que tenham gostado da Yoko, mesmo que eu no tenha falado muito dela, e sim da jogralidade, mas jaj vocs iro ver mais dela e de sua historia. I know I've mentioned this before but I am playing a modified version of lilsimsie and alwaysimming's Not So Berry Legacy Hello Everyone! not so berry legacy Not So Berry Names. We worked really hard on this challenge and are very excited to finally share it with you. Collect points by doing certain tasks in each generation. Youve always wanted to be a secret agent. The challenge by AlwaySimming and LilSimsie was created by accident but it turned out to be something pretty exciting. Full rules for Not So Berry challenge can be found on lilsimsie's Tumblr!) Updated through High School Years Pack (1/8/23), Pretty much every simmer out there has heard of the Not So Berry Challenge, even if theyre not entirely sure of what it is. In other words, the players will be playing with the same family for multiple generations. 1. Updated 10/9/2022 - (Base game + Island Living necessary, all other packs are optional). (NSB Base game PT 10), menino! You get an apartment on your own as soon as youre old enough in a faraway town, and learn quickly that youre much more special than your upbringing would have you believe. , CC on previews: Hair #1 / Hair #2 /Skirt / Pants & tights / Beret, Must enter rebellious phase either at the end of childhood or beginning of being a teenager (you dont need, Must enter the Manuel Laborer job as a teenager and stay in that job, Once your able to create Snowboarding videos, you must make your money off of your videos, Must make your money through your paintings, Must move into a rundown lot/apartment with, your funds when you move out after moving into your house must be, (this will be enough for your painting and some extra money to spend elsewhere), spouse must be employed as a Salaryperson and/or Business career (recommended if its game generated but you can give them either job yourself), can only marry partner towards the end of adulthood, Must Donate to Charity at least once a week, Quit your career in Business and open your own business as an adult (, Must create a Knitting Club and meet your friends (, Must become good friends with club members and best friends with one of the members, Marry your partner from the Knitting Club, Must have their first and/or last name start with B (you can cheat the name if you want), Must be signed to a Record Label and release your music (, Must marry someone named Keith and has the, Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner in high school but break up with them before becoming a Young Adult, must be Hot and Cold with High School love (negative friendship, positive romance), Have Dance Battles with your friends at least once a week, Have at least 2 Enemies (you can have more if you wish) (this, Attend volunteer events at least once a week (, Must complete Master Vampire aspiration except the, , Must immediately move out as a Young Adult to, your partner must be a Vampire and turn you into a Vampire.

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